High Density Space
December 17 - 23, 2016
Curator: Ian Kang
Artists: I-Ju Huang, Ming-Quan Xu, Ian Kang, Ming-Husan Tsai, You-Zuo Lai, Sheng-Ya Su
Venue: Teh-Chun Art Gallery

D(Density)=M(mass)/V(volume). The exhibition probes into conceptualizing the relationship between volume, space, and matters. This idea does not refer to a specific space, it can be the exhibition space, the space in artworks, or the space of artist’s mind. “High density” in this context, represents the various artistic meanings and analysis in a specific space.
As Susanne K. Langer states, “This virtual space is the primary illusion of all plastic art. Every element of design, every use of color and semblance of shape, serves to produce and support and develop the picture space that exists for vision alone. Being only visual, this space has no continuity with the space in which we live; it is limited by the frame, or by surrounding blanks, or incongruous other things that cut it off. Yet its limits cannot even be said to divide it from practical space; for a boundary that divides things always connects them as well, and between the picture space and any other space there is no connection. The created virtual space is entirely self-contained and independent.(Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art, page.72)” When exploring about space in an artistic context, it is relatively subjective to the artist’s will. Compare to the logical space in science or real life space, it is relatively conceptual and are not bonded by the external factors of material world. Therefore; the diversity of the meaning in an artistic space reflects the psychology of the artist.
Most of the subject in this exhibition focus on the “space/place” from a social perspective, which is one and one’s relationship with the world, ranging from biological aspect, educational aspect, gender aspect, or behavioral aspect. Namely, the collective consciousness of society attribute a space with classes, or labels. This exhibition attempts to discuss the possibilities of these spaces.
In this exhibition, most of the art forms are paintings. The role of painting in contemporary art has a new form of interpretation. The concepts from the artists in this exhibition focus on ambiguous symbols and the process of painting. They attempt to treat painting as a document. When analyzing the works in the exhibition, it seems like all the concepts, ideas, and thoughts are being compressed into this “high density space”.
Lastly, when viewing from a macro perspective, this exhibition discusses about how the curating process was treated as a critique of the power of art and white space. It shows how the art power creates a space full of multiple interpretations in the white space.
The curator invited 7 artists(I-Ju Huang, Ming-Quan Xu, Ian Kang, Ming-Husan Tsai, You-Zuo Lai, Sheng-Ya Su) to create a whole new series of paintings which presented various aspects about “space”.